
I offer a practical form of lifestyle change coaching, building on my experience in the City over many years.

I aim to help individuals at all levels to consider their options in an ever changing world of work and life and make desired changes.

I encourage you to look at the bigger picture, work out where you are, where you want to be, offload the “baggage” which impedes you, rid yourself of negative influences, embrace that which is positive and help you to get “there”, wherever “there” may be.

I help you to examine what you need that you already possess (your transferable skills) but may not have recognized or used and, as importantly, what skills you need to develop.

It takes courage to make changes in your life. You also need confidence and assurance that you are making the right decisions. I offer that support and encouragement.

How I Can Help You

It is essential that we both gel. Therefore, I like to meet clients informally for a chat, usually going for a walk in Hertford or around the City of London. I enjoy a cuppa or walking along the towpaths, along the river banks or around your town, taking a look at the buildings, how they were built and what effect they have on the surroundings. So often we are preoccupied on where we are putting our feet, not looking at the big picture. It is the buildings and skyline, which shape us. Although each one of us is a tiny component in this world, we all have a part to play. How we respond to life's challenges is the key. 

During this initial walk we discuss the changes you want to make and the challenges that face you, whether at work, at home or in your leisure time. If you are comfortable with this approach, I prepare a short consultancy agreement, which I ask you to sign. This includes some action points for you. This agreement is discussed and reviewed at each session. I continue to go for a walk with most of my current clients, as they find it easier to talk as we walk. We quite often then sit in a coffee shop at the end to agree your action plan or next steps.

At that first meeting we also select a series of mutually agreeable times to meet and further actions to be taken in the meantime. An example of the draft programme is as follows.

Example Consultancy Programme

SESSION 1 — Look at the possibilities (what you may want to do, what you do not want to do, how to turn negatives to positives)

SESSION 2 — Definition ( Agree What and How)

SESSION 3 — Support needed (By whom)

SESSION 4 — Action/Affirmation (By when)

SESSION 5 — Managing yourself/your time (Feedback)

SESSION 6 — Execution and encouragement (Just do it!)


For details of my charges, please contact me.